Blackburn Ridge Road

I recently rode Blackburn Ridge Road and was surprised how chewed up it was. I can live with the ruts because that’s caused by mother nature, but the vehicles going up really chew it up. I passed a couple of two-wheel drive trucks coming down on my way up and really wanted to give them a piece of my mind but that wouldn’t do any good. They’re just exploring the same as me. It’s a shame because it is an excellent road to ride. The real butt kicker is the endless steepness of the road for just about the entire length, which is 6 miles.

The road ends at the base of a mountain. If you decide the hike your bike up a steep mountainside for about 3/4 of a mile you’ll be on Rouse Hill Road (Forest 5S15). Rouse Hill Road will take you to Lake Hemet or Cranston Ranger Station on Highway 74, depending on which direction you travel. Make a left and head north and you have fantastic down hill for 10 miles to Cranston Station. The road will involve some climbing if you make a right and head towards Lake Hemet. Either way you’re alone in nature and worth it. Just remember to take some food and plenty of water.


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